Book Recommendations

“I think books are like people, in the sense that they’ll turn up in your life when you most need them.” ― Emma Thompson

On living, philosophy: This is my absolute favorite book, and many clients like it too! There are incredibly beautiful chapters that answer life’s questions on friendship, love, children, and etc. Periodically we’d read a chapter during session for inspiration.

On sexuality: Great book on sexuality, with exercises on concepts such as spontaneous and responsive desire; breaks and accelerators.

On parenting: Includes wonderful communication tips including: What’s my most generous interpretation of what just happened?

On relationships: Imago Therapy - some of the exercises can be enlightened to see why you chose your partner.

On attachment, relationships: What’s your attachment style and how to build relationship capital and become more secure in relationships.

On healing: short essays to help you heal.

On communication: Drawn from non-violent communication and mindfulness, this book offers an intentional and loving way to deepen connection.

On living: Out of the four, which agreement resonates most with you? Mine is, always do your best.

On emotional intelligence, parenting, communication: Painful realization that our parents may be emotionally immature and what to do about it.

On the enneagram: The authors make the 9 numbers come alive, a relatable book to understand the enneagram.

On living, metaphysical: The journey of Santiago to find his personal legend. “When you want something, the whole universe conspires in order for you to achieve it.”

On love: The romantic in me really enjoy this book on love that cross lifetimes. Also talks about past-life regression.